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Last Wednesday, June 10, the Pilmhor family experienced an unforgettable moment: the visit of the company’s three founding partners—Carlos Papis, Osvaldo Calloni, and Ricardo Giovanetti, now retired from daily management—to enjoy a gathering and pay homage to their work and careers, surrounded by their loved ones, employees, former employees, and the current management team. It was a great collective embrace among the generations that make up Pilmhor, an opportunity to recognize ourselves in the pillars of our history to build a solid and promising future.

The event took place at the company’s industrial plant, which was specially prepared that morning to welcome the founders and their families. The occasion was marked by the presentation of an institutional video—accessible here— that reviews the company’s origins and early years, based on the experiences and memories of the founding partners who forged it, a narrative not only of events but also of the values and foundations that continue to distinguish Pilmhor as an institution today.

As Christian Cavallo, the company’s president, emphasized, it was “a day dedicated to the three founding partners,” shared with all the personnel that make up the firm.

“Pilmhor deserves it because it is a genuine, healthy company where there is a sense of community among everyone. It is good to show it; we are an example because you have been. We have tried to hold onto the best and adapt some things to the current times,” he stressed.

The founding partners, visibly moved, also spoke. “We are very proud of what we have done and the team we have. Today the company has achieved a great level of awareness, from the managers to the last employee, and that has created a different way of living together. This is truly moving,” said Carlos Papis in the first place.

Osvaldo Calloni, for his part, emphasized that Pilmhor is “the result of everyone’s effort, in terms of the responsibility to do the job well. Each person fulfills a mission and is part of that seed that was planted years ago, which, if it had been planted poorly, would surely be plowed land today. Thank you for being here, thank you for what we are.”

Finally, Ricardo Giovanetti alluded to the company’s future: “We all agree that Pilmhor must continue for many more years. I am really satisfied and happy, and I wish you great luck and a very bright future.”

The gathering ended with a celebration for the great Pilmhor family, which, on its way to 50 years, stands firm in the example of its pioneers, projecting itself as a sustainable company over time.