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Our History

Socios fundadores de Plimhor Oleohidráulica
Noticia de la fabricación del primer motor hidráulico del país

Evolution and Transformation


To Design, Develop, Produce, and Market oil hydraulic products that adaptably meet market needs, prioritizing quality and service.


To increase and expand market participation based on continuous innovation within the organization and sustainability in our way of working.


Our values are based on 5 pillars: teamwork, commitment to work, effective communication and active listening, adaptability, and social and environmental responsibility.

Bomba de Engranajes Hidráulica


We seek to be a strategic partner with our collaborators, suppliers, and customers.

Quality Policy

We are committed to meeting customer requirements and those indicated in the ISO 9000 Standard. This commitment extends to continually improving all organizational processes, including the value chain, to reach the goals of quality and customer satisfaction, ultimately ensuring sustained growth.

Commercial Policy

We seek to strengthen the brand and image of our products, working closely with customers to meet their needs, to guarantee a sustained commercial plan.

Productivity Policy

We pursue continuous optimization and innovation in production processes to enhance efficiency and adaptability and provide a satisfactory solution to our customers.

Environmental, Sustainability, and Social Responsibility Policy

At PILMHOR, we promote and are committed to sustainable, environmental, and social development. We seek to contribute to it by carrying out all activities respecting, valuing, and considering the impacts on society, collaborators, and the environment.

HR Policy

We focus on continuously generating a comfortable environment based on a culture that fosters collaboration, commitment to work, and the personal development of our human resources. This ensures that the organization operates efficiently and achieves growth.

H&S Policy

We are committed to ensuring that all activities carried out in the company are safe, sustainable, and healthy, complying with all legal and regulatory requirements, training, and informing all members of the organization on priority aspects of Health and Safety.